Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Letters Summertime

Has it really been over a month since I have posted on here?  I was in shock but I guess that is what happens when life seems to be rolling at full speed.

I can't believe it is finally here, the day all students and teachers dream of, the last day of school.  So, technically it isn't the last day of school because teachers are supposed to come in on Monday, but there are no students.  This summer I have lots of plans to travel, marathon train, and maybe get life in order.  I hope pto be buying a house so summer is already looking busier than I want it to be, but that is life. 

Here is to my favorite day of the week, Friday, and my Friday letters!

Dear Friday,  I have been waiting for this specific Friday since August.  Lucky for me, I do not have classes today because my seniors tested a few weeks ago. Everything is ready to go and I am ready for days on the beach!  Today I was supposed to go to First Friday in St. Pete but it seems that this Trpical storm Andrea is going to derail that, maybe I will make it to Augusts'.  Friday is also our end of the year lunchin and then Orange Theory Fitness which I am really enjoying.

Dear Students, Sometimes I wonder why I teach but getting your evaluations back made me realize there are some good days, some bad days, some really bad days, but overall, it's worth the bad days.  My goal for next year, become a better teacher.  As probably that is everyone's goals should be.

Dear Summer heat, you are killing these runs.  Simple as that. 

Dear Bloglovin, I have finally had the chance to figure you out and I really like you. I just need to figure out which blogs I read and add you to my list.  So, if you are a blogger and would like me to follow you, pleaes leave me a comment or email me with your blog name :)

That is all for today, but I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

What are your summer plans?  Have you ever had a time when you realized why you are doing what you do?
What blogs should I follow?


  1. Another available treatment option that can be done at
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  2. The first type is present from birth while the second type is not,
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  3. Congrats on being done with school! It's a great feeling, isn't it???

  4. Did I miss something? What is with the Skin Tag information?? LOL


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